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1. Everyone who adds his program here must add a link on this page
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31.03.2005Arcade game HUNTER, version 1.1. With sources. - Trans.
02.03.2005Continue of printer driver creation: color noise-like filling. - Trans
05.02.2005Test program drawing text with BGI-fonts - Ivushkin Andrey
02.02.2005Paper about MenuetOS (Rus) - Trans
24.01.2005MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
08.10.2004Docs and examples for ASM86 (Rus). Trans
05.10.2004Continue of printer driver creation. Trans
02.10.2004Lisovin Commander updated to v.0.4
15.09.2004Lisovin Commander updated to v.0.3
13.09.2004MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
11.09.2004Lisovin Commander updated to v.0.2
09.09.2004GIF-decoder sources, version 2 - willow
MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
07.09.2004MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
05.09.2004LC (Lisovin Commander) file-manager 0.1 - Mihasik
MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
03.09.2004MeOSEmul - updated (with sources) - mike.dld
02.09.2004"Kolibri #2" second edition (0.78pre2 kernel + Fat16) - Mario79
29.08.2004Russian distro "Kolibri #2" sources (0.78pre2 kernel + Fat16) - Mario79
28.08.2004Russian distro "Kolibri #2" (0.78pre2 kernel + Fat16) - Mario79
27.08.2004FASM 1.54 - include-files can be located in /rd/1/ - Ivan Poddubny
18.08.2004GIF-decoder sources - willow
04.08.2004FASM 1.54 - VT
01.08.2004Test program for printing from MeOS - Trans
01.08.2004FASM 1.54 - VT
27.07.2004Also two color pictures of demo page by printing from MeOS - Trans
26.07.2004Kernel MenuetOS 0.77 pre4.8 - Poddubny Ivan
23.07.2004Pieces of color pictures of demo page by printing from MeOS - Trans
22.07.2004GUI demo-2 - Michael
20.07.2004Gray color picture of demo page by printing from MeOS - Trans
16.07.2004MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
Michael - Memory manager
15.07.2004Users Manual v0.5.6 (Russian Language) - Sniper
14.07.2004GUI demo - Michael
MeOSDebug v0.21 - Halyavin Andrey
10.07.2004File Manager MFAR pre-alpha 8.1 - sources
08.07.2004File Manager MFAR pre-alpha 8.1
06.07.2004Also 3 Pictures of page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer - Trans
06.07.2004Picture of demo page by printing from MeOS - Trans
02.07.2004Ivushkin Andrey - Socoban Game
29.06.2004menuet07.rar - Ivan Poddubny
MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
25.06.2004i2k - Boot ReWriter. Only Rus Version
24.06.2004MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
19.06.2004Command Line Interpreter ver. 0.27
16.06.2004MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
10.06.2004ASCL7 - Pavlushin Evgenyi x-tree v43 include in this package!
08.06.2004ASCL6 - Pavlushin Evgenyi
MeOSDebug - Halyavin Andrey
07.06.2004MeOSEmul - updated - mike.dld
01.06.2004PAINT v0.2.4 for MenuetOS by Ramen
31.05.2004PAINT v0.2.2 for MenuetOS by Ramen
31.05.2004fixed jpgview and sdl fire - Ivan Poddubny
29.05.2004MeOSEmul - emulator for MeOS programs [Windows] - mike.dld
27.05.2004Launcher v2 from Mario79
26.05.2004Altered ICON - with 32-bit .ico support - from mike.dld
17.05.2004Kernel 0.77 pre 2.8 + kernel sources from Ivan Poddubny
17.05.2004Russian Distribution "Kolibri" sources
16.05.2004Russian Distribution "Kolibri", kernel 0.77 pre 2.8
15.05.2004Two videoclips of Doom in MeOS
15.05.2004CD Player 1.1 beta-2
13.05.2004Macro Library
07.05.2004Users Manual v0.5.5 added part "Games"
29.04.2004i2k updated manual
26.04.2004Mario79 added kernel Sources - Correct saving of free size on FAT32 partitions during the recording of the file.
22.04.2004Ice added Yahoo Messenger - the author is unknown! and CD player from ������� ����
11.04.2004File Manager MFAR pre-alpha 7.6 Distribution MenuetOS #RE6 Users Manual v0.5.3
10.04.2004Command Line Interpreter ver. 0.26
07.04.2004Command Line Interpreter ver. 0.25
07.04.2004i2k has added his documentation
04.04.2004This page works!

Hunter.7z223.58TransArcade game HUNTER, version 1.1. With sources.31.03.2005
prn_clr.jpg234.98TransPrint by noise-like methods: color.02.03.2005
bgi_fonts.7z52.81Ivushkin AndreyTest program drawing text with BGI-fonts05.02.2005
Trans_Statiya_MeOS_full_version.pdf767.45TransPaper about MenuetOS (Rus)02.02.2005
meosemul.7z41.38mike.dldMeOSEmul - emulator for MeOS programs [Windows] (with sources)24.01.2005
Asm86doc.rar211.12TransASM86: Docs and examples (Rus)05.10.2004
patt_dith.jpg663.77TransPrint by pattern and noise-like methods.05.10.2004
giflite2.7z5.54willowGIF-decoder sources, version 209.09.2004
lc.7z5.00MihasikLC (Lisovin Commander) file-manager 0.405.09.2004
kolibri2.7z460.51Mario79"Kolibri #2" second edition (0.78pre2 kernel + Fat16)02.09.2004
kolibri2_src.7z492.15Mario79Russian distro "Kolibri #2" sources (0.78pre2 kernel + Fat16)29.08.2004
fasm.7z76.92VTFASM 1.5427.08.2004
demoprn.7z13.79TransTest program for printing from MeOS. At first time you must read file README.TXT.01.08.2004
demo_color01a.jpg409.20TransFirst color pictures of demo page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer. Also color transfer is not good yet.27.07.2004
demo_color01b.jpg365.02TransSecond color pictures of demo page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer. Also color transfer is not good yet.27.07.2004
kernel.7z126.04Poddubny IvanKernel MenuetOS 0.77 4.826.07.2004
demo_color00.jpg547.23TransPieces of color pictures of page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer. The color transfer is not good yet.22.07.2004
guidemo2.7z13.85MichaelGUI demo-222.07.2004
demo02gr.jpg170.65TransGray color picture of page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer20.07.2004
memallocbeta.7z2.83MichaelMemory manager16.07.2004
ssb_15-07-2004.7z63.82SniperUsers Manual v0.5.615.07.2004
meosdebug_0-21.7z76.24Halyavin AndrewMeOSDebug - Meos emulator for windows written in Delphi14.07.2004
guidemo.7z6.25MichaelGUI demo14.07.2004
mf-pa-81-src.7z12.07mike.dldFile Manager MFAR pre-alpha 8.1 - sources10.07.2004
mf-pa-81.7z4.44mike.dldFile Manager MFAR pre-alpha
demo01ym.jpg182.09TransYellow and magenta picture of page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer06.07.2004
demo01mc.jpg245.42TransMagenta and cyan picture of page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer06.07.2004
demo01b.jpg316.69TransBlack picture of page by printing from MeOS by ink jet printer06.07.2004
demo00a.jpg343.92TransPicture of demo page by printing from MeOS06.07.2004
sokoban.7z123.24Ivushkin AndrewSocoban Game02.07.2004
menuet_re7.7z291.49Poddubny IvanRussian Distribution (Kernel MenuetOS 0.77 3.0b)29.06.2004
bootrew.7z1.74i2kBoot ReWriter. Only Rus Version25.06.2004
cmd_0-27.7z19.86ChemistCommand Line Interpreter. See. readme file.19.06.2004
ascl7.7z39.89Pavlyushin EugeneFunctin library for simplest ASM programing + x-tree v43!10.06.2004
asm_book.7z80.29i2kASM programing book09.06.2004
paint_0-24.7z5.95RamenPAINT v0.2.4 for MenuetOS01.06.2004
sdlfire.7z75.40Ivan Poddubnyfixed SDL fire31.05.2004
jpg.7z10.06Poddubny Ivanfixed jpgview31.05.2004
launcher2.7z5.49Mario79Launcher v2 with loading from autorun.dat + AutoEdit (autorun editor)27.05.2004
i32b_2.7z3.19mike.dldAltered ICON - with 32-bit .ico support26.05.2004
kolibri_src.7z435.10Mario79Russian Distribution "Kolibri" sources, kernel 0.77 pre 2.8 + application sources.17.05.2004
kolibri.7z401.44Mario79Russian Distribution "Kolibri", kernel 0.77 pre 2.816.05.2004
140504_0003.mpg437.58TransFirst videoclip of Doom in MeOS15.05.2004
140504_0008.mpg440.55TransSecond videoclip of Doom in MeOS15.05.2004
cdp_1-1b2.7z6.94Yushko DmitryCD Player 1.1 beta-215.05.2004
cor_fre_mem.7z37.10Mario79Kernel Sources - Correct saving of free size on FAT32 partitions during the recording of the file26.04.2004
ym.7z4.47IceYahoo Mesenger autor unknown detect and download somewhere from unlimited Network 22.04.2004
all_partitions.7z41.26Mario79Source code of a kernel - works with ALL Fat32 partitions12.04.2004
menuet_06e_src.7z370.90Poddubny IvanRussian Distribution (source code)11.04.2004

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